Friday, June 24, 2011

Still, it's a cool fireplace...

When I spotted this whimsical chalk addition to the old fireplace at Eddie Park, I thought it would make an interesting photo for a blog post about summer. Something about how summer is lazy and whimsical, filled with daydreaming and make believe and playtime...


With your six year old.

Your six year old who is home from school but still getting up at 6:00AM with all the energy of opening day at a cheerleading convention.

Your six year old who is convinced that playing should involve lots of running. Outside. When it's hot. With you!

So, I realized that I have nothing to say about this photo because there is NOTHING lazy about summer if you're a parent. How long until September again?


Mister Earl said...

Tagger training ground?

Anonymous said...

Ha! I feel you.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Summer camp. Tom Sawyer. Horses. It's local.

btw: I like this idea on the bricks. Kind of cool

Michelle said...

So true!

TheChieftess said...

Ha!!! I remember when you were so depressed because she was just starting school!!! Ahhhh, the cycles of life!!!