(I was caught without a camera when I spotted these gorgeous things, so you'll have to settle for an iPhone shot, processed in lomography style).
a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
I can hear those engines from here!! We had a 57 station wagon the same color as the sedan on the left. I'm not so sure what the eggplant colored coupe on the right is but it is riding off in grand style. I like your Cinderella idea. Maybe her fairy god mother had a Hot Rod magazine tucked away in her long skirt. HA
so cool.
Is South Pasadena really the Happy Hunting Ground for old cars? It would seem so.
did that Chevy belong to Jack Gillette? I seem to recall that he said he'd let me drive it when I was at least old enough to have grandkids of my own...technically, I could have grandkids....but Jack's long gone....humnn.
puuurty cars tho!
Even 60 year old automotive technology can negotiate a right turn without running over the new bulb-outs!
So what is everybody else's excuse? :-)?
How do you do it? I never see all these old cars!
anon---yes, but the 60yo cars took the turn at 5mph---that might hold up traffic a bit at every, single bulb out!
Judy: I remember that aqua colored station wagon. I had pointed out the car as the family drove by the car place when I was a young girl and you were even younger.
I said... Isn't that a pretty color? Somehow,they actually did go in and buy it.
We later inherited a purple car that Dixie Jane named The Purple Cow. This was before Laurie was even a twinkle in a Fairy Godmother's eye.
At least when Fair Oaks is backed up, cars like these are a pretty diversion. What a cool shot.
Fun pic. Last night a guy in a van heading southbound on Fair Oaks decided to make a U-Turn at the intersection of Fair Oaks and Hope. Ran right over the bulb out - wouldn't have made the turn otherwise.
I always wanted to see that aqua station wagon, Shanna! I did see the purple cow, though. It was still around when I was about five.
Those bulbouts aren't any better even with gorgeous old cars turning around them! Though, I must admit, the bulbout is what made these cars slow down enough for me to grab this shot. Who know the awful Fair Oaks construction project would yield something good? :-)
Perfect in iPhone lomography!!!
baby educational toys
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