UPDATE: Thanks to those of you who emailed that my latest column isn't linked with the others over at Patch. I'm sure it was just a glitch in putting it up. Try this link to get to today's column. Also, for those who can't seem to find me over there, just put my name into the search box and it should bring up all my stuff. The latest Patch layout doesn't keep columns on the front page anymore.
Carry on!
Stellar image. Perfect angle and reflection. This would be killer blown up on a canvas!
Your photo of the stoic building is perfect.
I really like this one. I feel strangely compelled to count the clouds.
Great shot!!! I'm with Jon...definitely time to sit back and count the clouds or look for shapes!!!
Patch needs to promote your work. It's great and should be seen by a wider audience.
Love these stories about old South Pas. I'm not signed up over at patch but I wanted to tell you thanks for your great article and movie.
I'm loving these stories. What sources do you use for them? Books? Or original documents? Or something else? Curious.
Thanks, everyone!
Anon, my stories come from books and old newspapers. Jane Apostol's history of South Pas is a treasure trove. I interviewed Jane here on the blog about two years ago. Chelsea -- the local history librarian -- at the South Pas library is a whiz at helping anyone research the city.
I also love talking with people whose families have been here for generations. They have a lot of great anecdotes that are fun to look up and verify.
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