The Chamber of Commerce has been kind enough to lend me the use of their gallery space this morning for fellow fans of the Rialto to reminisce and trade stories while I wield my video camera. You don't have to have wild Rialto tales to tell -- although those are definitely welcome --just your memories of this wonderful movie palace and a shared hope for its return.
If you have a few minutes to spare this morning, come by SoPas Gallery at 1121 Mission Street (adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce offices) from 9am until noon. And if you are interested in adding your story to the project but can't make it today, email me. (My email link is on the right side of this blog.)
Fabulous sign
I hope your project goes well Laurie!!!
I got stuck in traffic and was too late to make it! Can we set something up elsewhere?
You know that I'm a late sleeper.
Did you see my comment on Petrea's blog?..You know where to find me!
This project is like opening a treasure box!
Today's taping was wonderful. I met some great people and felt a lot of Rialto love flowing. Thanks to everyone who showed up, emailed and texted messages to me. I will be collecting video stories throughout the summer, so if you want to be involved just email me and we will set up a time.
I heard about this but was too late to participate. I fell madly in love at the Rialto. Should I email you to set something up?
Everyone, email me! I'll be collecting stories all summer.
I didn't live here when I was a kid, so my first and only Rialto experience was in 1995 or so, when I was going to art school in that big black bridge above the Rose Bowl. the Rialto had some documentary on bugs, shot in gorgeous macro lens slow motion. I thought the theater was very cool, but the seats were awful! I'd sure like to see some more movies in those awful seats, I don't care.
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