It's also a perfect subject when you pull over to check a text message on your iPhone and realize your Retro Camera app would be a nice way to capture the scene...
a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
A rosy bridge crossing the canyon! What a wonderful way to wake up with this and my first cup of coffee.
Been on that bridge many times, but never actually have "seen" it.
Great photograph. You make me want to play around with my phone camera now.
THanks, you guys!
Earl, there is a great little bench there that provides a pretty decent view when the trees are trimmed. :-)
Perfect in the Retro Camera Ap!!!
How do you get that underneath view?
A pink bridge. Lovely!
Thanks, everyone!
Oh, and Earl -- just park and walk over until you see it. You just have to crouch down right before that bench.
park in the small lot next to the bridge and walk down the remnants of the Bush garden trail.
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