Love this shot ... got nothing to say about it. Anyone?
a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
Nice study in shadows, particularily the thick in the foreground contrasting with the delicate in the back.
LURVE!! That cobalt blue and the hint of blue in the charcoal shadows!! YES YES!! I always love the mix of the man-made with the natural. The angular qualities of the architecture and the unevenness of the tree's shadow is a terrific example of juxtaposition. Almost as if the stucco is the canvas for the tree to cast a self portrait (wow - I'm deep this morning! )
wv: colempie
(spoken with my best Deep South accent) I'm gonna have me some fried chicken and colempie for dessert
New bulbout will require removal of this portion of building. Hope you understand. It was planned 15 years ago!
Mister Earl, that's hilarious!
ditto what Earl said...since it's useful, it must be destroyed. that's ok, it's Alhambra anyway, right?
but really, love the pic...but now I'm hungry...humnn, think I know what lunch will be today!
wv: blentin---(with that suthun theme)...I usually want my margaritas on the rocks, not blentin, which waters it down too much
Earl: I worked on a street plan (my part of it took four years to sign off on) only to discover I was brought in on the tail end of 20 years.
Judy: I'd like some of that colempie myself, please. Iced tea to drink with sugar.
Laurie: Sometimes a picture just says it all.
wv: epick...this is the epick of the day.
I'll have you know Miss Laurie, it's entirely your fault I HAD to have InO for lunch today! yuuuum! thanks for the suggestion!
wv: lepie...there's a theme here of pies...humnnn!
All comments, but no captions. Soooo..."Branch Shadows on a Building" (Mundane, but a caption.)
Mine was a caption Anonymous Smartypants!
It's fitting to talk about food, because this photo reminds me of those blue Chinese print dishes that used to be so popular. I'll have my colempie on one of those, please.
Love those blue and white chinese dishes...I'l have me some colempie on 'em too!!!
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