Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lunar Module?

On second thought, maybe aliens have landed. Leave rational explanations for the rest of the year. It's officially summertime now.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Missing but Not Forgotten

As part of a planet-wide community of City Daily Photobloggers, I've had the privilege of being part of a huge neighborhood that spans not just city blocks but entire oceans and continents. This experience has been invaluable to me as a human being. It has shown me time and again that people may be separated by boundaries and governments, we might express ourselves in different languages or flavor our foods with different spices but on a basic level we are alike. We want the same things: freedom, creative expression, the opportunity to do good work, a safe place to live, and happiness for those we love.
One of my fellow bloggers has been missing in Iran since June 17th. He is believed to be in prison after taking part in the post-election protests. His photographs of Tehran in the days immediately following the election offered the world a view of the madness -- one that Western journalists were banned from capturing. His bravery in the face of such grave danger has been an inspiration.
Today, a number of his friends across the blogosphere dedicate our posts to him and all Iranians who bravely struggle for self-determination. We send out our hopes and prayers for a safe return -- and for better days ahead. Let the simple sidewalk chalk drawing in the above photograph show how connected we are to the rest of the world. We're thinking of you here in Southern California. We care.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Click here to sign the Avaaz petition to the Organization of Islamic Conference, the Non-Aligned Movement and all UN member states as a global outcry to stop the Iran crackdown. (Thanks Hilda at My Manila and Petrea at Pasadena Daily Photo for the Avaaz link.)
UPDATE: 8:00pm It has been confirmed: AMIR WAS RELEASED TODAY AND IS HOME SAFE! Thanks to Green at Portland Daily Photo for confirming the happy news. And thanks to the dozens and dozens of bloggers around the world who participated today. May there be more happy stories from Iran. And a happy future for all people there.
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Remember the way the freeway signs gave advice to Steve Martin in the film LA Stories? Wisdom is everywhere if you look for it. (With all the vanity license plates and graffiti in Los Angeles, driving the freeway can be a little like throwing the I Ching!) My favorite message-in-the-environment was on a wall I used to pass by on Hollywood Blvd back in the 80s. Someone had spraypainted "Agnes Moorehead is God" in bright red across the cinder blocks. I always thought it made about as much sense as anything else.
But this? Someone went to a lot of trouble to craft this message with yellow string into the chain link fence surrounding the empty lot at Mission and Fremont. Seriously, the string was tied down well enough to withstand the Santa Ana winds. Does this artist jones for the Christmas trees found in this lot in December? Perhaps the Halloween pumpkins? Is this a message about the bad economy? Iran? Is it a jilted lover's veiled threat to an ex-sweetheart? Hipster code giving directions to a rave? (Maybe these two are involved...)
Actually, it's lyrics to a UK Alt-rock band Placebo's song of the same name. It's a cool song, but an odd choice to knit into a fence. Who knows, maybe the next day this string tagger woke up, thought about it and muttered with incredulity, "Where is my mind?"
Friday, June 26, 2009

Icons are funny like that. Everyone recognizes them even though they exist in a world that the rest of us can never really inhabit. And when an icon disappears -- it's as if there is a rift in the ordinary fabric of things. Like this week, for example. In the space of a few days the world lost three icons of the 20th Century. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson all died within hours of each other. No, I didn't know any of them. And I wouldn't even necessarily call myself a fan of any of them. But they were such a part of my cultural landscape -- such familiar touchstones of my coming of age, my history -- that without them, I feel a little disoriented. As writer Susan Orlean said on Twitter today, without them the world feels a little less familiar now.
Thursday, June 25, 2009

DREAMS in the dusk,
Only dreams closing the day
And with the day's close going back
To the gray things, the dark things,
The far, deep things of dreamland.
Dreams, only dreams in the dusk,
Only the old remembered pictures
Of lost days when the day's loss
Wrote in tears the heart's loss.
Tears and loss and broken dreams
May find your heart at dusk.
--Carl Sandburg
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Nature's Paintbrush

I snapped this picture after June Gloom drizzled the other day. I was looking southwest on Mission toward the Highland Park section of Los Angeles -- the home of artist (and beloved member of my family) Shanna Galloway. For extraordinary local sky photographs, check out Shanna's delightful new blog VIEW. (You can also visit Shanna's website to see beautiful dry pigment and pastel works on paper inspired by these skies.)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Settings: Part 12
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Cathedral Oak Monument

Alas, by 1952 the tree had fallen. The same DAR chapter placed this simple monument in memoriam of the historic tree. (But I think the other trees to the left clearly show that X marks the spot...)
And while Father Crespi might not have been the type to celebrate it -- happy Fathers Day to all of the dads out there! YOU guys deserve a monument!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Window Covering

Maybe the original designer had a brother in the window business...
Perhaps an art collector lost everything in San Francisco's devastating fire and decided to move South to live somewhere with little wall space and great views...
In the roaring 20s, exhibitionism was all the rage -- its influence was felt even in architecture!
Well then, don't get me started on my latest fantasy. The one about a devoted husband and the wife with a brain tumor causing gradual blindness. "Just look at all the windows I've given you, darling!" He might have said, "Now you'll never be without light!"
(It's easy to get carried away by the romance of South Pasadena's older homes.)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Rite Aid Abstract

But doesn't it make a cool study at night?
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Which, of course, reminds me of a poem... This simple one by 19th century poet/housewife Ella Wheeler Wilcox. (No, it's not Neruda. But, then again, I doubt Neruda did much vacuuming...)
This is the place that I love the best,
A little brown house, like a ground-bird's nest,
Hid among grasses, and vines, and trees,
Summer retreat of the birds and bees.
The tenderest light that ever was seen
Sifts through the vine-made window screen--
Sifts and quivers, and flits and falls
On home-made carpets and gray-hung walls.
All through June the west wind free
The breath of clover brings to me.
All through the languid July day
I catch the scent of new-mown hay.
The morning-glories and scarlet vine
Over the doorway twist and twine;
And every day, when the house is still,
The humming-bird comes to the window-sill.
In the cunningest chamber under the sun
I sink to sleep when the day is done;
And am waked at morn, in my snow-white bed,
By a singing bird on the roof o'erhead.
Better than treasures brought from Rome,
Are the living pictures I see at home--
My aged father, with frosted hair,
And mother's face, like a painting rare.
Far from the city's dust and heat,
I get but sounds and odors sweet.
Who can wonder I love to stay,
Week after week, here hidden away,
In this sly nook that I love the best--
This little brown house like a ground-bird's nest?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
On a Roll

Whatever works.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Everything is (finally) Illuminated

Okay, so I got carried away. South Pas had a reprieve from the recent bleak weather and it made me a little bit loopy.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Grasping at (yellow) straws...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Keeping Warm

I'm not sure but I think this weird weather is making folks a little bit squirrelly. Just take a look at this person wearing winter gear, kicking up heels among the roses like some kind of misplaced dancing ninja. Is it July yet?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Heads, we win...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Little Oasis

Read more about the Arroyo Seco here and here. And make sure to do your part to protect this and other watersheds by following the advice here.
Age Appropriate...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Blue Vista

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Let there be new flowering...

Don't you just love a June wedding?
Yesterday was the 65th anniversary of the allied forces D-Day invasion of Normandy. I had been feeling introspective, thinking about wars and about time passing, about people lost and people trying to save. Then, I stumbled upon a joyful wedding party traipsing around a park still muddy from the recent rain. Springtime gives all of us permission to be optimistic.
I like the way Lucille Clifton expressed it best:
let there be new flowering
in the fields let the fields
turn mellow for the men
let the men keep tender
through the time let the time
be wrested from the war
let the war be won
let love be
at the end
Saturday, June 6, 2009
In a Weather Vein...

Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009

It will all boil off soon in the approaching summer heat but for now... sigh. (At least the jacarandas are blooming!)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Purple Prose...

Imagine if you hosted an afternoon tea party in June: your guests would trickle in wearing cheerful warm weather clothes -- some chinos, a few floral sundresses in delicate spring colors. Then, perhaps a little late, that woman would show up. You know. The loud one in the full-length purple organza ball gown.
That's a jacaranda tree.
These scene-stealers have only just begun to bloom. You can find them in little pockets all over Los Angeles -- with great swaths of them along Marengo here in South Pas and lining Del Mar in Pasadena. In a few weeks, they'll have dropped all petals in messy swirls of violet rain. (You know how divas are. Always with the drama!)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Small Wonders

If you can awaken
inside the familiar
and discover it strange,
you need never leave home.
He spoke about these words before an overflowing crowd at the Library of Congress a few years ago. "This four-line poem is a kind of credo for me," he said. "In short, we have beauty all about us, if we take the time to pay attention to it. Reinhold Marxhausen knew about paying attention; George Ault knew it. Pablo Neruda wrote dozens of remarkable poems about common things. Thousands of poets and painters have learned to pay attention like this. We honor the ordinary by giving it our attention. We enshrine the ordinary in our art. Is there anything really ordinary, I wonder?"
I've been thinking a lot about paying attention to the beauty of commonplace things. It's easy to blissfully sigh at a gorgeous bit of architecture or a breathtaking view. But it takes a little more than casual observation to notice everyday loveliness --the sweet shadow and texture of something mundane.
Like a trash dumpster surrounded on three sides by concrete walls.
Maybe I'm crazy -- but there, in a wash of afternoon light, I think it's just beautiful.
Monday, June 1, 2009
No great feat ... just great feet

Yes, feet. (Foot fetishists of the world, rejoice! Today you have a veritable treasure trove over at the CDP website...)
Regular readers of GOSP will recognize this whimsical tilt-a-whirl from a recent post about the South Pasadena Fun Fair. I couldn't resist posting another shot for today's theme. There is something so tender and hopeful and human about feet. These dangling sneakered tootsies make me smile. I think poet Sharon Creech gets to the point here:
Thump-thump, thump-thump
bare feet hitting the grass
as I run run run
in the air and like the air
weaving through the trees
skimming over the ground
touching down
thump-thump, thump-thump
here and there
there and here
in the soft damp grass
thump-thump, thump-thump
knowing I could fly fly fly
but letting my feet
thump-thump, thump-thump
touch the earth
at least for now. . .
Be sure to take a look at the many creative Theme Day images by other photobloggers around the world. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
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