Nobody realized Flat Stanley had a little sister...
Okay, then. What have you guys got for this one?
a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
Interesting, and in a way similar to yesterday's horse at the stables.
Flat Stanley's sister doesn't realize how difficult life will be once she hits middle school...
She's the on again off again backup singer for Rascal Flatts. :P
Oh poop! My mom gave me a soft boiled egg for breakfast, and I hate them so I dropped it on the floor, and it made a mess, and the dog ate it, and mom says I have to stay in the house all morning. That's "what I get" she says.
Attack of the giant paper dolls!
"I TOLD you not to slam your sister's head in the door! NOW look what you've done!"
wv: relat...related to splat, but for the second time her brother slams her head in the door
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