It's been a busy couple of days. If anybody wants me, I'll be loading up on coffee, eggs and hashbrowns while compulsively playing hashtag games on Twitter. (As illustrated above.)
Special thanks to everyone who came out to the reception for my photo exhibit,
South Pas: Observed at Charlie's Coffee House on Saturday evening. I'm honored to have so many good friends. (My pal Petrea Burchard at
Pasadena Daily Photo posted
such a nice piece about it yesterday that I now have a head SOOOOO big, it won't fit through the door.)
Another big thank you to everyone who packed the house at yesterday's
Encore, Rialto symposium at the South Pasadena Library Community Room. Chamber of Commerce wonderboy Scott Feldmann put together a great afternoon of entertainment, information and inspiration. Stay tuned to my
Patch column for more video interviews with other Rialto fans as well as case studies of other theaters who have successfully reopened. (If I'm lucky, I'll even convince the original Rialto cast of Rocky Horror moviegoers to do the time warp AGAIN. On video, of course.)
Well, you KNOW, I had to do THIS before Ron did. ;)
Link not working, Judy. ;-( And I have no idea what you're thinking! ;-)
I'll be doing that Time Warp with you all!
I enjoyed see you at the Rialto thing. I wish we could have had open questions though. Do you know if there will be another panel discussion to involve actual people in the community?
Thank YOU Laurie! I look forward to your next Rialto article on PAtch!
@Sally, there will definitely be future gatherings of Rialto supporters, and opportunities to express opinions! To be part of the conversation online, visit my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/FriendsoftheRialto If anyone would like to be more involved in reviving the Rialto, or would like more information, please email me at FriendsoftheRialto@gmail.com
Miss Laurie, I enjoyed meeting you yesterday. Please check your email for a message. I would enjoy discussing my Rialto memories with you for your video project.
John Bradshaw
Hi everyone!
Welcome, Mr. Bradshaw! I replied to you so be sure to check your email. I'm looking forward to interviewing you.
Sally, do be sure to check out The Friends of Rialto Facebook page. (Thanks, Escott!) Also, stay tuned for more ways to get involved.
I'm so thrilled with the outpouring of support for the Rialto.
Oh, and Petrea, remember, it's just a jump to the left...
Laurie, if I jump any further to the left I'm afraid I'll jump OFF.
Right beside you, Ms. P!
I like this picture.
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