In schools all over the city, you'll find little details that reveal our next generation's passions, hopes and dreams. These are the things you won't find on standardized test scores or report cards. They're not usually the most important topics of discussion among Tiger Moms or guidance counselors. These are the playful, expansive little details that so often get drummed out of us by the time we reach adulthood, eclipsed by "reality," and all its buzz-killing propriety, expectation and responsibility.
But in my opinion, these are the kind of details that matter most.
Little Bit likes to swim. Her classmates like to chase butterflies, eat chocolate chip cookies and find fairies under the bed. What do you like?
Join me this week as I take a closer look at little details around our city.
This is wonderful!
Yeah, I love kids' art. I generally prefer it to some austere artist who has a very high opinion of himself. It's honest and has a sweetness that only an untarnished child can create.
wv: fiescoma
When your fiesta is so overwhelming that it puts you in a coma
You managed to sum up something I've been thinking about ever since my child started elementary school. He's in the second grade now and I'm amazed at how much pressure he feels to "succeed" in academics, and how little time he has for playing. Much of childhood creativity has been overtaken by an educational model that values memorization of facts over dreaming and conceptualizing.
I really enjoy your blog. I found you through your photo exhibit at Charlies.
I like to find chocolate chip cookies under the bed.
WV: duckstye
Chocolate chip cookies under the bed? We need to clean, this place has turned into a duckstye.
Oh, and I like lasagna and clouds. Not necessarily together. I can pull over and just stare at a beautiful sky, when it's dotted with the white or gray stuff. As far as lasagna goes, well, it speaks for itself. Now I'm hungry.
wv: gorintin
Gorintin tin!! and the famous German shepherd leaps to heroic lengths again
I like movies and camping. Same as my first grade self. Lucky for me I didn't go to business school like my high school counselor suggested & instead became a documentary filmmaker.
Children's art. Nothing sweeter or purer. Thanks for bringing us those little details.
So great.
I like cozy bookstores, a good glass (or 2) of wine, fresh flowers on the table, yoga, my children's laughter, soft jammies...I could go on and on...
Welcome Just a Mom and anonymous filmmaker! Sounds like both of you share my belief that recreation and reverie should be added to the three R's of school. I'm a firm believer that play and good old-fashioned, cloud-gazing,, lazy afternoons are important to creativity and intelligence. We can't have visionaries unless we have time to visualize. And we can't develop critical thinking unless we have time to simply ponder.
(climbing off soapbox now...)
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