Details Week continues here at Glimpses. Join me as I take a closer look at some familiar things around town.
a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
MY FAVORITE COLOR!!!! Even the wheels and markings on the hubcap are red.
From what I can tell, maybe a Nash?
This reminds me of a glossy, red candy apple. Yum!!
Want. That. Car.
Looks like about a 1950 Chevrolet, Judy. I like the details, but I also want to see the whole car and take it for a spin.
I recently spent money on a stock photo very close to this. But not as good. Poo!
Sorry for the tidbit tease here, gang. I'll show you the whole car another day...
Really now, Farmgirl. Why would you go somewhere else for a phot of an OLD CAR?! :-)
That's a damn fine car.
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