We spent hours at Urgent Care, and then even more hours in the Huntington Hospital ER with Little Bit last night. I'm worn out -- though not as worn out as a sweet 6 year old with 104 degree fever who had to have a chest X-ray, a bunch of lab tests and a near-miss with a lunatic Urgent Care doctor who tried to order a lumbar puncture and CT scan. Calmer heads prevailed at the hospital, and we're home with what looks like one hell of a nasty stomach bug.
It appears the Kindergarten Rhinovirus Fairy's 1st grade replacement is much more bad-ass, with a new slew of nasty illnesses in her arsenal.
At any rate, here's a lovely little detail from the recently restored Comerica Bank Building. Talk amongst yourselves while I have a small nervous breakdown.
Aw...Hope Little Bit is ok.
Great news about your daughter's diagnosis.
Nothing sucks more than a kid at the hospital. Glad her diagnosis wasn't as bad as it could have been. Hugs and love!!!
I have the most ironic wv: subtflu
Spent last night worrying as only mothers and grandmothers can do. I hope today brings solace and our girl is much better. Sending healing thoughts and love your way.
we will bring some caramel apples over for your family on Sunday.
Hang in there Laurie! Hope Little Bit makes progress every day and gets over this very soon.
Oh my...I just found this out.
Hope Little Bit recovers FAST.
Much love and many healing thoughts coming your way.
Scary stuff. I hope she feels much, much better soon, soon soon.
Well darn...looks like the beginning of round two of the "kid in elementary school family illness exchange" May you all have strong immunity this year!!!
Oh man, Laurie. That sucks. Hope things get better fast.
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