What do you think? Were they always? (Are they still?)
Join me this week as I take a closer look at objects in our city.
a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
This is great. The scratchy words of promise for all to see. Even if they didn't make it, I love the sentiment and the fact that someone took the time to etch it into the wood.
I like to think that they will always and still are......
graffiti vandals.
As in: To be or not to be.
I know this table. So cool you took this picture.
Yes, I do think they will always be. I am finding this out to be true in my own life. And I love that you brought this here to us, sweet.
It is sweet. And sad, too. And dbdubya's right!
I love your details week.
Sorry I'm late to the party, am in a house without internet other than on my fone (to whit, this carving looks like hieroglyphs in that small a photo!)
I know who carved this DBDub...wanna go after them now? ;-)
Don't remember whom the message was intended to be about, but as far as I know, the person that carved it is not with the same person they were back then.
There *are* however, some long time love stories. I took my sweetie to this table the first time we visited town. So far, more than 20 years later, it is true for us!
Judging from the looks of the graffiti, I'm sure the statute of limitations has passed. You can go ahead and identify the artist without him/her having any worries about being arrested.
I confess, it was I who carved this.
Be prepared, Hamlet, to come out with your hands up, the house is surrounded. . .
Patricia, we are kindred romantic spirits! And if I haven't welcomed you already, a big welcome to the blog now.
And welcome Hamlet, too! Glad that to be or not to be question was answered and carved in wood. :-) (Db, go easy on the poor guy...)
Trish, I want to believe these two are still together!!!
a few bazillion "kids" have visited this message. I'll bet better than 1/2 of them are still together...run with that one Laurie!
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