What are you doing on the computer? You're missing out on South Pasadena's biggest day of the year!
Today is the 2011 4th of July Festival of Balloons -- a red, white and blue extravaganza that could have been planned by Uncle Sam himself.
It all starts at 7:00AM with the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast at the firehouse at 817 Mound Avenue. ($7.00 per person, kids 6 and under eat for free!)
Opening ceremonies follow at 10:30AM at the South Pasadena Library Community Room.
The famous Festival of Balloons Parade starts at at 11:00AM at Diamond Avenue and Mission Street. This year's parade theme is "Democracy, a Marathon of Freedom." I have no idea what that actually means but I can promise it will include a whole lot of balloons, streamers, flags and really cute kids waving from wagons, vintage cars and homemade floats.
The parade ends at Garfield Park, but the fun will continue there all afternoon with games, square dancing, food and general 4th of July merriment. (Don't forget sunscreen!)
The Greenest Fastest Mile Race begins promptly at 5:00 at the South Pasadena Library. If you're not running, head on over to the South Pasadena High School. Gates open at 4:30PM for food, picnics on the basketball courts, water games and entertainment. Remember, if you are bringing chairs, make sure they are "track-friendly" with no sharp or pointy legs. (If your legs are sharp and pointy, that's cool. Just don't wear heels that might damage the track.)
The fireworks show will start at the high school field at 9:00PM. Tickets are available for $7.00 at the Pancake Breakfast and Garfield Park in the afternoon or $10.00 at the gate.
For more information, call 626-403-7240. Or, just step outside and join the city-wide party.
What a wonderful sense of community. I'll have to enjoy the fireworks vicariously through you, since even the large public displays have been outlawed here due to our record breaking drought.
Hot dogs, burgers, watermelon, homemade ice cream is an odd tradition, but it does speak of the quintessential summer celebration. Family, friends, a sense of collective spirit.
Think of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and wave your flag a little faster.
Happy Fourth of July.
Happy 4th!
We have friends to were transferred to St. Louis to Los Angeles many years ago. They settled in Arcadia. One year, friends from South Pasadena invited them to spend the Fourth of July in South Pasadena. On the way home, Walt told Patsy that he wanted to live in a town that celebrated the Fourth the way South Pasadena does. So, the Simmons sold their house and moved to South Pasadena.
Nobody does the Fourth better than South Pasadena.
I said to my wife, "I know Laurie Alle will have this information." Thanks and happy fourth of July to you.
Happy 4. Bet Little Bit is over the moon (a visual pun, get it?)
We should all be in So. Pasadena on the 4th of July. What ol' time fun and tradition.
You've captured a quintessential slice of Independence Day in America..Happy Fourth!
Well...I have to say...Mammoth gave SoPas a run for their money yesterday (I wasn't on the computer much yesterday)!!! The Lion's did the breakfast, then there's the art festival, then the parade, the Pops Concert, and fireworks over Lake Crowley!!! Whew!!! A full day!!!
Welcome, Madge!
Chieftess, I had a feeling Mammoth would give South Pas a run for her money. Do you have pics?
Check out my July 5 blog!!!
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