South Pasadena is fairly keen on green. I could have shown this house. Or this one. Or this car. (I could have even shown this robot.) But when it comes right down to it, the greenest green in our city is the green from all of the beautiful trees. The ones along the Arroyo are particularly hypnotic in the summer sunshine.
For more interpretations of the color green, be sure to visit my fellow City Daily photobloggers. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Absolutely beautiful Laurie. Love the light and shadows and the blue at the end. Love the way the trees lean tomorrow, making it a road we want to walk.
Click here to listen to some green:
And here:
YAY for green. Trees are the best. People who buy lots without any because they don't want to deal with the leaves, are in my opinion, NUTS. This is so inviting. I can hear a young boy whistling right out of view. There could easily be a Model T parked near him. This has an old fashioned good day feel. Thanks. And Happy Friday everybody.
Mister Earl, thank you for Kermit and It's Not Easy Being Green. Every year I curse the mess and cleanup of leaves falling but I treasure my nine oak trees in the front yard. Without green trees how desolate our planet would be.
Lot's of green up here in the mountains!!!
And the beauty of living in the mountains...it's pretty much au naturelle!!!!
My aunt used to say that South Pasadena was the edge of the forest. It's true. All the big trees go south from the mountains and end in South Pasadena. After that, it's just ugly glass, asphalt, swarms of people, cars, and concrete to the ocean, to both the north and south facing beaches.
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