Don't exactly know what it means. Don't know how to have one. But in tight situations my mother used to threaten to have one. A rigger. This looks like a good excuse for one.
Thanks for all of your nice comments, people. I was stuck, stuck, STUCK on Fair Oaks in a complete stop for long enough to start getting cranky when I noticed the peace sign. Ahhhhhh.... much better. I was stuck long enough after that to grab my camera off the front seat and grab this shot before we finally started moving again. SOmetimes I just get lucky.
In December of 2007, after many years on the west side of Los Angeles (and at least a third of those years spent stuck in traffic on Pico Boulevard) my family settled into a happy little house in South Pasadena. This daily blog covered almost 5 years as I put down roots in my new home town -- and almost 5 more as I settled in and became a South Pas old-timer. Here it time capsule of South Pasadena.
You can always find the blog at its original address:
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
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Photo goodies you can hang on your wall, wear, write on and hold in your hands!
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Thank you Charlie's Coffee House for hosting my photo exhibit, South Pas: Observed. From October 2011 through January 2012 my pictures graced the walls of the best place in town to get a cup of coffee!
Read the nifty story on photo bloggers Petrea Burchard, Ben Wideman, Kat Likkel and little old me featured in the September, 2011 issue of Pasadena Magazine.
Are you heading back to WLA, LA??
Don't exactly know what it means. Don't know how to have one. But in tight situations my mother used to threaten to have one. A rigger. This looks like a good excuse for one.
Very cool!!
Mini Cooper with a peace sign...very, very South Pas:)
Your ability to frame this shot in a glance... and actually photograph it in the middle of so much traffic... is phenomenal!
I love the colors, and love the way that bright yellow peace sign snaps the chaotic elements into sharp focus.
One of my all-time favs!
Make that, rigor. a condition that makes life difficult, challenging, or uncomfortable. I shouldn't say it if I can't spell it.
At least my mother knew what she was talking about. Traffic jams fall into this category.
L.A. traffic + a peace sign on the back of a car = one great picture. I love this.
This photo is SO So Cal - congested traffic, hazy mountains, freeway sign and a peace sign. Love it.
Just gimme some kind a sign, girl!
Hey everyone!
Mister E, that Brenton Wood clip is great!
Thanks for all of your nice comments, people. I was stuck, stuck, STUCK on Fair Oaks in a complete stop for long enough to start getting cranky when I noticed the peace sign. Ahhhhhh.... much better. I was stuck long enough after that to grab my camera off the front seat and grab this shot before we finally started moving again. SOmetimes I just get lucky.
See you manana, everyone.
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