Thursday, December 16, 2010

Settings: Part 33

Here's a new twist on my old favorite...

I happened upon these kids shooting a movie outside the library the other day. What do you think their movie is about?


Judy Williams said...

Maybe it's a documentary about the waning libraries, and how important they are in this age of Wikipedia and Kindles. I remember the smell of ours. The old oak tables and the musty books.

Remember when you got Dad's car wedged in the parking lot? HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

A movie about archeologists from the near future.

Brenda's Arizona said...

Looks like a head on the ground there... maybe it is a murder mystery - Murder at the Library?

Cafe Observer said...

Maybe they're documenting for future generations how people used to go to material things such as books, bookstores, and libraries to read. But as people have become more spiritual, ex going online, all things must pass, and the old ways are now just blowin away in the wind.

San Diego Farmgirl said...

My friend is a librarian in Kansas and his library is flourishing. Of course, he has video game playoffs and stocks comics and Twilight books, but he does manage to sneak some education in when the kids don't expect it. =)
He also is the subject of letters to the editor in the local paper both for and against video games at the library. Quite the controversial library, it is.
So, as such, I think the kids are filming a live version of World of Warcraft.

Dixie Jane said...

There is something very comforting about libraries, your very own library card. I remember your frustration as a little girl because you wanted to be able to read every book in the library.

Maybe the movie is about how things used to be and the comparison between then and now. Holding a little gadget in your hand doesn't compare to walking into the library with its smells and volumes and being overwhelmed by the enormity of it.

Jean Spitzer said...

David and Goliath: 2010.

TheChieftess said...


My Grandma was a librarian for 52 years! She was the head librarian in Canoga Park from long before the time I actually knew what that meant until she finally retired. I remember going to SDSU for parents day before my Freshman year and going on a tour of the library, which was brand new. My Grandma walked behind the crowd, looking carefully at this or that and evaluating the quality of the library..she seemed to soak it all in...the library eventually passed her inspection!

Mister Earl said...

It's all symbolism. Spontaneous uprisings starting to pop. We are at the vortex.

I saw this happen after the shot was taken:

(Caution: Some may find the offensive language. Not suitable for children or some adults.)


Mister Earl said...

Some may find the language offensive is what I meant to say.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha, Mr. earl!

I think it's something dark, like one of the poems San Diego Farmgirl mentioned the other day.

Green Guy said...

If it's anything like the stuff most kids their age are into, it has vampires in it. Or zombies.

Mike said...

I like the zombie idea.