Thursday, September 9, 2010

Paradise (Unpaved)

You never know what you'll discover when you stroll around South Pas ... like this mysterious pathway with a canopy of tree branches. It's weird to experience such a pedestrian lifestyle smack dab in Los Angeles County. In the middle of a sprawling car jungle is our very own oasis, perfect for slowing down, stretching legs and seeing things in a softer kind of light -- a light that, I swear, never reaches the freeway.


Judy Williams said...

WOW looks like a book jacket for The Secret Garden or something. I love the tunnel created by the trees!!! That's cool. Super cool!!

Ken Mac said...

i can match this! Well, eventually

Margaret said...

Well, now you are just lying. There is no way this is in South Pas. Is there?

Dixie Jane said...

This romantic sees maybe, "A tunnel of love," smack dab in the middle of Los Angeles County. Ahhhhhhhhh

Jean Spitzer said...

Love this.

Barbara said...

I hope to stumble across this spot soon. Beautiful photo.

Bellis said...

Where IS this?

Anonymous said...

Yes Laurie...where is this? please do tell.

dbdubya said...

I'm with the others. Where is this place? You've stumped the Dub.

WV: winating - I'm winating to know where this tunnel of trees is located.

Boom Nisanart said...

Beautiful walk ! Give the romantic feeling : )

Shanna said...

Really beautiful. I love this one!

It looks like a storybook illustration to me.

Mister Earl said...

Is that the Carpal Tunnel? I've heard about it, but I've never seen it.

Maybe it's the TUNNEL OF LOVE

WV: woomog

TheChieftess said...

I'm betting somewhere in the Arroyo area!!!

Laurie Allee said...

Ding ding ding ding ding! We have a winner! But where near the Arroyo? You guys will just have to find it. :-)

TheChieftess said...

Geeeze!!! If I was down south, I'd go drive the Arroyo to find it...I'm guessing close to the horse stables???

Petrea Burchard said...

A stunner. I could use a walk in a spot like that right about now. I'll have to search.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

never give it all away