It would have been a better shot with a tripod, but I couldn't resist this spur-of-the-moment capture of my husband and daughter walking past Orange Grove Park. When the field and courts are lit up for games it feels like anything is possible ... like the unbridled enthusiasm of a sporting match floats up and wraps around everyone nearby. Maybe it's because my father was a coach, but the sound of cheering sports fans and (even screaming umpires) inspires me far more than most sermons or speeches. Like Knute Rockne said, "One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than a hundred teaching it."
What strikes me first is the vivid purple surrounding the field lights. It gives it a magical feeling. Is that hole still there with the mystery portal?
I've played on those courts many times. Beautiful setting.
WV: Shine. Yes it does.
It is uncanny how I always react to the photos... Just like Judy!
I also love the purple... and the way, when enlarged, this shot resembles a pointillism painting. (The fence, the tree foliage)
Good one!
Spur of the moment photos definitely offer a different perspective. I think this photo embraces and captures much of what South Pas is about...walkable tree-lined streets, young families, a quiet small-town atmosphere, and activities like softball and baseball that bring the community together. Great shot!
Love the colors and the surreal lights!
I'm glad you were with your husband and daughter when the aliens landed.
Like Knute Rockne said, "One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than a hundred teaching it."
And what a great quote! Applies to..., well, everything.
I agree. This dog eating wraps or drinking floats is far better than a 100 humans doing it.
Hi everyone,
THanks for such nice comments! (K, you cracked me up with the alien line. THat's what I thought it looked like, too!)
THis shot is obviously blurry, taken handheld at night with my point and shoot, but I love it anyway because it hints at a feeling Alex mentioned. Also, I'm beginning to think that tack-sharp in photography is overrated. In this digital age when we can count pores on the nose of an actress in any close up, sometimes blur is comforting. WHo was it that insisted that Monet actually painted the way he did because he was severely nearsighted? (Probably one of the realists!) At any rate, thanks for indulging me with a snapshot.
Laurie, so many of your pictures seem to have colors that come out of left field. (A little baseball humor there.) In any event, I love the purple wherever it comes from.
Yak, you are right. I enlarged it. Seurat would appreciate this. We could call it, "Grand Night at the Park in So. Pasadena."
Hi Mom!
One of the things I love about digital photography is the digital sensor's ability to pick up amazing colors at night. It's as if the digital eye gets things that human eyes don't see.
Til tomorrow, everyone!
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