Sunday, September 20, 2009
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a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
As the economic doldrums continued, Laurie began to work advertising into her blog. ;-)
That is sweet and only you would have your camera at your fingertips. Mines always on the floorboard and by the time I get it, focus etc. the decisive moment has passed or the light has turned green!
Andy headed towards the South Pasadena Classic Car Show, but was denied entry because his Toyota was not quite yet a classic. Disappointed, Andy decided to drive out to the desert where he inadvertently got lost off road. After several hours, he found his way back to the road and drove home. His girlfriend felt bad for Andy and in an effort to cheer him up wrote a message on his now filthy truck.
If you're not doing anything today, head over to Mission for the South Pasadena Tournament of Roses Classic Car Show. Laurie will definitely be in her element with all the old cars.
WV: potties - what you'll see on Mission Street today.
Oh I'm so jealous. I want to go to the car show today!!
Somebody has great handwriting, so I think Mr. Earl is right - it is an adult who wrote it, not a child. Maybe during secret moments, he likes it when she calls him "Daddy. ;~)
Daddy? Andy? buggy? Who's name is it?
This sheds new light on "talking dirty."
'Jus got back from de car show. I didn't see no Toyotas, but I saw the usual classics! They even have a 1952 Peterbilt big rig. Lots of cars from TV shows this year. And of course the great music: Little Nash Rambler (Beep, Beep)
Actually, Dad's 18 year old daughter who's home for the weekend from college (with her dirty laundry to do at home) but she hardly sees her dad all weekend cause he's been out having way too much fun since she's been away for college...
Well now he'll never wash that window.
I think it said I love your body but was censored by the United States Army.
I think this may be subliminal messaging.
I love you Dad but I want to use the ole Toyota Saturday night and it would be so thoughtful of you to wash the thing so I'm not embarrassed.
Mr. E- I had a friend in high school with a Rambler station wagon, Puff the Tragic Wagon.
I love the shot. And Judy, I wish I'd thought of "Puff, the Tragic Wagon," that's hilarious.
Whose "I love you..." Who's "I?" Whose daddy?
I can't make out who the, "I love you" is aimed at. What is the name? Anyway, I like it, dirt and all. Take the "I love yous" any way you can get them. Right?
Mister Earl: I enjoyed your, "Little Nash Rambler" movie and music. Beep Beep!
Thanks, folks! Mister E, I hope you took pics of the car show. As you'll see in my next post, I somewhat dropped the ball.
Puff the Tragic Wagon. I'd forgotten about that, Jude!
I think the I love you Daddy note is poignant. I came up with a variety of scenarios for it. (The army stickers certainly colored my perception of this.) Here goes:
The father is just home from several long tours in Iraq. While he was gone, his little baby girl grew into an elementary school student. "I can't believe you can write your letters!" He said to her. She showed him how well on the car window...
Or, a young woman soldier returned from Afganistan to attend her father's funeral. He didn't have much, but he left her his old Toyota truck. She remembered going fishing in it with him when she was a young teenager. Late night, after the last of the relatives offered condolences and casseroles and meandered out of the door of the house where she grew up, she doodled this note to her father..
Or maybe it's one of the ideas you wonderful people came up with!
Thanks again, everyone. Until next time.
BTW, welcome slopoet!!!
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