A tangerine and russet cascade
Of kaleidoscopic leaves
Creates a tapestry of autumn magic
Upon the emerald carpet of fading summer.
Nevertheless, bougainvillea and hibiscus thrive in the extreme heat of recent weather. (As you can see, the colors of autumn are different in Southern California.)
Interesting freudian slip, LA. It does look like a magical fairlyland.
I like how the beautiful flowers create a pink tinge upon the door. I love the word "cascade."
That's some kinda colors!!! If this were indeed miniature, like it appears in the smaller picture, I can see a little gnome about to appear in the doorway. :~)
"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy," sang John Denver. Flowers do it for me. How fortunate for you South Pasadenians to have such a colorful display when it is almost October. Thanks for giving us a look-see.
Burgeoning Bougainvillea are one of the greatest delights of living in the LA area. Thanks for the great shot.
It really looks nice.
Beautiful! Thank goodness something thrives in this dry heat.
Now if I could just scrape that layer of ash off...:(
I'm fairly certain that pink-tinged structure is a tool shed... but anyone who's ever lived in or visited the rural south would know that it could also be an "outhouse."
Of course, in South Pas it's neither. It's a fairy cottage, I'm absolutely certain of it!
Ad this one to my ever-growing list of frameables!
That is one huge, and very old bougainvillea. They are absolutely beautiful from a distance, but not much fun to maintain due to their very sharp thorns.
Beautiful photograph. We have autumn colours and cold evenings here in the north of England. That's lovely too - but I long for the feel of the sun. We have long grey winters over here!
incredible colors
Very charming!!
Wonderful color!!! I absolutely adore old bougainvilleas!!! One of my favorite things about being a native Californian (yes, it's true...not everyone in Southern California is from somewhere else!!!)
Anyone remember the Mickey Mouse b/w cartoon in which he accidentally (?) inhales bug spray and hallucinates? Well, if Mickey lived in So Pas as an outhouse and had swallowed a set of oil paints...
I'm still laughing at your MIckey scenario, Anton. Then again, Mickey is no stranger to the psychedelic realm. Just look at Fantasia.
Kate, it's been sweltering here lately. Los Angeles always hangs onto the heat in September, sometimes well into October. Cooler weather actually sounds nice right about now.
Welcome, Gruvkitty! I hear ya about the ash. Our skylights still haven't been cleaned and it's like looking through an ashtray.
Dixie Mom... you know I posted this image with you in mind!
Thanks for all teh comments, everyone. See y'all tomorrow..
The bougainvillea and hibiscus are gorgeous. It looks like that door will take you too a magical land...
When I come to visit, what are the best streets to walk for a great fall view?
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