Nah, it was just an accident. (But remind me to go back and shoot the scene with a proper camera!)
a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
I like the roundness of the chair back subtly against the round table almost reflecting the arch. Very cool, accident or not.
Definitely cool.
This looked weird on my phone but very cool blown up on the computer. Nice accident.
I like the metaphor of going from darkness to light. Maybe not such a bad shot afterall!
Thanks, everyone!
This really is a weird snapshot but I'll use it as a study for doing a proper photo next time I'm in Kaldi!
Laurie, this photo is not up to your usual high standards. What were you thinking? Also the new word verification is very tedious and difficult. If you want commenters I suggest abolishing it immediately.
Yeah, this pic doesn't really work.
As for the word verification, I know the new one sucks. I may try without but was spammed so much without it, comments got clogged.
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