The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
--Robert Frost
a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
Well damn, girl!! You just outdid yourself. That unreal vivid blue and the clay rooftop with the evergreen and leafless tree! Those mountains! Those clouds! And on top of all of that, my favorite, Robert Frost.
WOW - what a way to start a Sunday.
I'm reminded of one of my favorite songs, "Serenade in Blue." This is a lovely picture with a confectioners sugar dusting on the mountains. Thank you.
Wow! That's some intense color!!!
Only three comments?? What's up with you people? Ok, maybe they are all sleeping in, having coffee late, while perusing the funnies.
This is outstanding. Made me gasp. I sure do miss those mountains. Thanks, Laurie.
more cotton candy than spilled milk. cool catch.
Now...WHEN...did you see those clouds. Dayam. I missed them.
Great shot and poem !
This new WV you have is almost impossible. I'll try again
Laurie - please loosen up the WV. I hear bloggers spam catcher is pretty good. Unless you hit the blogsphere you have no idea the changes they've made
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