"Who wants to become a writer? And why? Because it's the answer to everything. To ''Why am I here?'' To uselessness. It's the streaming reason for living. To note, to pin down, to build up, to create, to be astonished at nothing, to cherish the oddities, to let nothing go down the drain, to make something, to make a great flower out of life, even if it's a cactus."
--Enid Bagnold
(And who takes pictures of cactus? Writers who need those flowers, even when they haven't been able to write.)
I'm reminded of a cactus that grows on my property beyond the fence. It must have been here when the Indians inhabited the place here in Texas. One year it decided to bloom.....the most glorious yellow flowers. I slid down the hill on years of dropped leaves so that I could take a picture. The next thing I knew the flowers were gone. Deer. Argggggg!
I like the Plant in the background. I can't think of its name. I find cactus and succulents really interesting, but I'm more a tree girl myself. ;)Perfect illustration of Bagnold's quote though. Have a great week everybody.
... :) perfect! That was my week exactly (and prickly, too). It correlates, perhaps, to an unsettling dry season here in southern CA ... but, for today at least--rain! Happy writing, get soaked ;)
Boy did I need this message this morning. Thank you, friend! =)
"...make a great flower out of life." WOW!
you just keep going
I'm worried about you, Laurie. Writers block?
You can write, sweet. You can do it. You have everything you need.
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