I give up.
I told myself I wouldn't post one of my close-up wild parrot shots until I actually managed to get one that was tack sharp.
It's impossible! I either need a new telephoto lens or a steadier hand. (Or both.)
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This is good. I don't know that I've seen a close-up of one of our South Pas parrots.
That's pretty good. He's looking down at you thinking "Heyh, don't you take my picture. I'm going to wiggle so you're shot won't be tack sharp."
Don't give up LA.
On the upside, The Blurry Parrot would be a great name for a pub. I'd copyright it if I were you. :-)
What a cute parrot.
Is it wild?
Or a faster shutter speed or a tripod. But a nice shot.
I was about to ask if there's colonies of Quaker Parakeets in South Pas.
But it appears they're illegal to own and sell in CA and I guess if any feral colonies got out of hand would be eradicated upon discovery..
Arguing guy, these parrots are a beloved part of the history of South Pas. You can explore my parrots tag for more.
Anon, you try setting up a tripod in time to catch one of these wild birds. If you manage to do it, my hat's off to you.. It's catch as catch can as the make their rounds!
That said, I really admire wildlife photographers!
Maybe I'm the one that sees blurry. The parrot looks good to me and what a nice shot.
Eki: We have flocks of these wild parrots here in the San Gabriel Valley, although they are not native. Not sure what their range is in the LA area. These are relatively small birds as parrots go. I believe they are conyers. As I always do when this subject comes up, I recommend that everyone rent the movie The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill about a similar flock of conyers in San Francisco. The fellow whom the movie was about recently spoke at the South Pasadena library and Laurie interviewed him.
Should be spelled "conure."
She conjured a conure!! ;>
wv: nestinde
They nestinde trees.
And check out my interview with the man behind the Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill. I linked to it in the post.
Good shot Laurie.
Pretty close to perfect Laurie!!!
wv: boing!!! caught one!!!
Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill is one of my favorites. And your photo, Laurie, rates up there! Have you tried a mono-pod that you can just leave on the camera?
I have one of those, Brenda. I should definitely make use of it. The hardest thing about photographing our beloved birds is the fact that they go HIGH up in the trees, so you have to zoom pretty far to get a close up.
Also, I'm no wildlife photographer! :-)
Thanks, everyone.
This is what these darlings do to fruit: http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/405965_10150492343952285_627782284_8753687_1840563267_n.jpg
That's a great shot! I spent 20+ years living in South Pas and can't recall once seeing a parrot up close.
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