Actually, this eye-catching neon sign is on the side of the Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain. (And to be fair, the other side of the sign says SODAS.)
So, the message is appropriate for the source... but heck, the subtext speaks volumes.
a daily photo from Southern California's little town in the big city
Entanglement. Schrödinger said it was the defining trait of quantum theory. What is it? It’s that quirky talent discovered by quantum p...
Let's see what these humans are posting under the dark cover of the day...
DRUGS?! How disgusting! These people. It figures.
And, that looks a lot like Neon. Hmmm.
I feel a subliminal message coming through...to, Ben. (oh, shhh...this guy is big in Pasadena)
These people can have their drugs, we canines will stick to de good stuff across the street - the BBQ.
I suspect it is an important drug store in its own right. Looks nice in this night time photograph.
In France we have "droguerie"...
Nice photo in the night...
Laurie, your Mama taught you different.... Hmmm.. Let's take it a little differently and continue the French theme. "Le Drug Store", as I recall from my almost French major days. Gives it a little different flair. I'll take a soda, thank you - with a twist.
Frankly speaking, I got lost with the first sentence you wrote. But I love the picture ... the quite street where you can stroll and enjoy the small colorful shops.
Have a great weekend, Laurie.
DRUGS heading north and SODAS heading south? What does that tell us about our neighbor to the north?
It's not such a quiet street, Eki. It is usually jammed with traffic. So much so, that I avoid it whenever I head north.
Nice photo, Laurie. Between this one and yesterday's, you make South Pas look like a Nightime Wonderland!
And the fact that it's pink!!! WOW
I've always thought it a hoot that the American "drug store" sort of incorporates the chemist shop, newsagent and what we call a Milk bar (where you buy sweets and ice creams and milkshakes etc)! Great sign.
The "old timey" drug stores here had a soda fountain and made the best handpressed hamburgers you ever tasted. The shakes were divine too. Now they are slowly closing and making way for the aisles and aisles and aisles of you name it. Sad really. This sign reminds me of ones I think we had when I was a girl. ( And NO there were no dinosaurs running around!)
That's a great looking sign! It's hard to explain the difference about the drugs to kids when they see signs like this advertising drugs and are just learning about the dangers of drugs in school. Speaking of, it's red ribbon week next week! Have a great weekend!
Must be a reflection of the neon sign, but it looks like someone rolled out the fuchsia 'shroom carpet for the limos that pull up to the curb... Just looking at this shot makes me high!
And so, apparently, is the neighborhood... don't I see three people holding hands, taking up the entire sidewalk as they skip joyously toward... well, sodas, i guess. And isn't there also a character in this shot holding a white cane in front of him as he walks, with a fedora pulled low over his face to conceal his identity? Straight from Toon-Town!
If I didn't already know that this drugstore makes hot fudge sundaes and banana splits just like the ones I jonesed for as a child, I would stay with my "high" metaphors. But there isn't enough medical MJ in the world to replace the taste of hot fudge over vanilla with a cherry and chopped nuts on top!!!
Sodas are my drug of choice. I think I'm addicted.
Laurie, you are a the So Cal master of night photography! Just look at those pinks you've captured along with the sign.
I like Keith's statement - mine is (very predictable) - chocolate... and almost any dessert... and bread ... and :)
And yesterday's club shot was great too - I wanna go!
BTW - thanks for taking in the NYC sigths with me. I did run into Ken Hay's blog before I went. Glad you reminded me of it. On another note, Torun Observed ended his DP run...:( but did you see Rob's Trieste DP - really good.
I'm with you, Jude. I see pink and I love it. And like yakpate said, "Roll out the pink carpet." Did anyone notice the slight pinkish lavender around the "Drugs" sign? It is a delightful nighttime picture, for which Laurie is famous. And I'm from the generation that knew drugstores for aspirin, rubbing alcohol, iodine, milk of magnesia and the like. And on the flip side, I'll take anything chocolate.
Inviting. Intriguing. Illegal?
I have to laugh when I think of FO Rx being also a Soda Fountain. When I was younger, it was only an Rx, no sodas, no fountain, just drugs. It used to SMELL like old people and medicine too. I can recall the green carpet and the odor emanating from it. Slightly institutional, very medicinal. There were shelves to peruse, but not touch the items. There was a step down from the upper section of the store (north side) that I once tripped down, which made me walk more carefully when I was in Swan's Stationers a few doors down FO from FO Rx. The pharmacist wearing a white coat or service shirt made me stand up a little more straight when I saw him for some reason I suppose he reminded me of a doctor.
Ironic that years later, I delivered drugs for Cal-Oaks Rx in Pasadena. It was an interesting opening line when people asked me what I did: "Deliver drugs". ;-)
I love the pink glow on the sidewalk. Anyone who grew up in SoPas knew that the sidewalks rolled up by 9 or 9:30pm. By 10pm, the local PD was rousting unattended kids out of Straw Hat pizza. Quiet little town with a LOT of character.
Hi folks!
Thanks for indulging me in my latest night prowling. I always smile when I see this sign because it just seems so wrong to have the word drugs in a retro neon sign. The side that says SODAS isn't nearly as interesting, though...
My drug of choice, alas, is caffeine. I live on the stuff. And lucky for me, there are any number of coffee spots nearby. (Just don't tell me caffeine is a drug. I love denial.)
Miss H, why thank you oh Avant Czarina Supreme. I come from a long line of rather wacky women. (Just ask Dixie Jane, Shanna or Jutilda...) And I love you too, fabulous blogger woman. I'm glad to have moved to a place with so many from my tribe.
Mister Earl and Trish, I know I can always count on you to fill in the wonderful historical details. For some reason I thought the soda fountain had been ongoing for all these years? I'm just glad it's there now. (I'm kind of addicted to the caramel sauce on The Raymond sundae. Wait, I thought my drug of choice was caffeine and now I'm including sugar? I refuse to give either of them up!)
Thanks for all the lovely words and fun flights of fancy (I'm talking to YOU, Yak.) See you round here next time folks.
Just struck by the hot pink flash of colourbouncing of the pavement. My drug of choice is strong black coffee. Lord help me if that went to prohibition
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