It's election day in South Pas. I open the floor to your comments...
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Read Ron Rosen's comments on Patch.com and go to http://misterearlmusing.blogspot.com/. Also, read Dan Watson's comments in the 10/26/11 South Pasadena Review.
There are nine candidates. For various reasons I voted for Rick Schneider, Bob Joe, and Marina Khubesrian. Schneider has strong principles, opposed the removal of Dan Watson, and is a strong freeway fighter with no hidden agenda. Bob has a history of working on South Pasadena commissions. Marina is very sharp and offers a woman's perspective, which is sorely needed.
Three candidates that concern me are (1) Mike Ten, who supported the removal of Dan Watson, and who supports considering a 710 tunnel because he believes it will make a surface freeway less likely. Ten also has been called a "loose cannon" as a result of several actions that haven't been fully thought through. (2) Art Salinas who is supported by David Sifuentes, Jeffrey Monical, and the Police Officer's Association all of whom were instrumental in Watson's removal. Salinas has defended the removal of Watson even though he was not anywhere on the scene when it was done. In my view, a vote for Salinas condones what the back-room dealing of the Sifuentes/ Monical crowd.
I hope whoever wins has an open door policy and treats the citizens with fairness and honesty. (is that possible in today's political world?)
(3) David Margrave also concerns me. He opposes UT and wants to contract out Police and Fire. Margrave was soundly voted off the Council last time he ran because he seems unable to distinguish his own business interests from the best interests of the city. His recent comments show that this pattern continues.
"Business as usual in SoPas, cram what you can into the space allowed".
Viva Ron Rosen! Keep those guys in line!
I voted with Mr. Earl for the same reasons he stated.
We all agree about Ten. Salinas also troubles me. I liked Margrave when he served before but I was less informed then than now. Marina seems smart and savvy.
I am glad for this forum. People at that Patch site is too negative all the time.
Laurie, are you endorsing anyone?
I just voted!
I love the picture. I came to the same voting conclusions as Mr. Earl and Michelle, although I am an enormous supporter of public employee unions, which I believe stand as holdouts and shining examples of what all working people ought to have and be.
R D SCHNEIDER 1,745 17.6
BOB JOE 1,478 14.91
ART SALINAS 1,056 10.65
MIKE TEN 950 9.58
Registration 15,127
Precincts Reporting 11
Total Precincts 11
% Precincts Reporting 100
Thanks to Ron Rosen and Mister Earl for bringing truth to light about our dirty, back room politics. Now, if we could just get rid of the remaining bad council members and bring back Chief Watson! I am sure you want that too, Laurie!!!
Amen. Thanks, Mr. earl. Thanks, laurie for always giving our favorite muckraker another platform! This photo caption should be, Welcome to South Pas where good people vote the shifty politicians out!
Is it too late to add my voice to the Ron Rosen fan club? I really admire what he did by elaborating on the events leading up to Chief Watson's dismissal. I remember reading your blog about it first, Laurie, at the time it happened. This year, I've read Rosen's comments at Patch and looked into the many events he listed. It seems clear that there was wrongdoing.
I hope the new council members can bring fresh air to the stale chambers.
Congrats to the new council members, and to everyone who worked so hard for the democratic process!
Politics are "ubnoxio"!!! My very appropriate word verification!!!
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