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Gracie's Market is right across from the platform on Mission Street, and it beats the heck out of your average Circle K or 7-11. Sure, you can get the usual bag of potato chips and a red bull, but there is a lot more. This is definitely a hip take on a classic General Store. You can munch yummy old-fashioned molasses oatmeal cookies and sip dark roast Sumatran as you shop for paper towels and dish soap. You'll find basic home staples next to high end bath products and handpicked gift items -- all in a setting that resembles something out of a collaboration between
Laura Ingalls Wilder and the guys from
Queer Eye.
The entire
Mission West District embodies the philosophy that form is equally as important as function. And what pretty form! Locally owned boutiques and service providers blend with a few small-scale chain stores along a beautiful stretch of sidewalk. In a world of soulless Big Box shops and strip malls, Mission Street is a lovely alternative -- and Gracie's fits right in.
We need to support these kind of places locally to stop the onslaught of the big souless brands taking over. Of course you know I will make my ref, to the Hopper esque colours and copmpostion. Great for me again
Pop onto my blog today. Had to make changes re idiots out there in the bloggoshpere. All in the post. I urge you to run searches on yourself. cdp blogs are popping up on unofficial sites.
Laura Ingalls meets Queer Eye? I just can't picture Carson in Gunne Sax, though I picture you wearing puffed sleeves and a long skirt at 8th grade graduation. Dixie, can you help us out here with some embarrassing fashion memories? (Maybe you'll luck out, Laurie, and we'll get a story about Judy's prairie prom dress) LOL
Sounds like Gracie's owners know their market well, and this is one of those great niche businesses that will be around forever. In my hometown, one of the pharmacies (there are only two) still has its original soda fountain from the early 1900s, and makes old fashioned sodas and floats all summer long.
I love all the pinks! And you can't beat the name Gracie's.
What happened to Gracie? Why is her store closed? Is she alright? Perhaps the store next door, Organic Crush, lived up to its name. I hope Gracie is okay.
Closed? I was in the mood for an oatmeal cookie. This picture looks so cheerful.
So much color! Even the tree is getting in on the act.
I'm used to Laurie shooting in the middle of the night but the sun is clearly in the sky here. I hope this is Gracie coming to open up.
I don't know anything about running a business except that you need to open the store so people can buy your stuff.
I shot this picture fairly early in the early morning -- hence the pretty sunlight -- and later saw that the sign said Closed. Silly me, I thought nobody would notice...
(Farmgirl -- our old time soda fountain is Fair Oaks Pharmacy, down the street from here.)
Wait ... did Gracie's close? I drove by there yesterday and forgot to glance. I thought maybe half of her store closed but she is still open? Sorry ... I am so confused!
The biggest problem is we all forget to shop in our hometown (me included). It is so easy to head north on Fair Oaks to Old Towne and drive past all of the vendors in South Pas. We need a new motto -Shop Local! Maybe I will head over to Mission Street next time for shopping. BTW, gret photo Laurie. Amazing colors.
All that pink and then that girl in midstride. Great stop action. This has the movement of the city, but it's slowed down with the surroundings and the capture of a single person, and not many, scurrying by. This might be Pasadena wrapped up in an image nutshell right here. :~)
I said Pasadena and meant S. Pas. SO SORRY
I had friends that lived in the corner apartment atop this building. Didn't know about the market, thanks for the info, I'll visit
Thanks dbdubya for explaining craftsman homes. Sad about your grandparents home.
There was a very active "Thank you For shopping in South Pasadena" movement back in the 1970's. Maybe it's time to resurrect it. They had some really cool shopping bags, one of which I recently rediscovered. We could most likely update these as the ubiquitous reusable shopping bag.
Gracie's is alive and well. I went over there on my way home this evening and ran into Joe, who is the owner's boyfriend, and also a friend of mine. The owner is Maggie Kilbourne, and she and Joe asked that I convey her thanks to you for the wonderful words about her store, which celebrates its first anniversary next month.
Gracie's has been divided into two, and a new adjoining store, My Sweet Cupcake, will be opening very soon. It's a cupcake bakery, and there will even be a frosting bar so you can choose different icings and I'm guessing maybe different toppings as well. The decor is red and white and it looks like a Valentine card.
It would appear that my previous post and comment about it being closed has caused some concern about Gracie's. The reason for my comment is that if you enlarge the photo you'll see that there is a closed sign posted in the door.
Rest assured, Gracie's is alive and well.
Sorry if I added to the panic ... I am thrilled to find out that it is open and doing well. And now I can't wiat for the cupcake store!
Hey Leslie,
Nice paintings.
It's a favorite South Pas spot and I love the colors. Support the locals, I say!
I'm way behind on reading Laurie's blog. I was hoping that y'all didn't forget me while I had more doctoring. I feel like Humpty Dumpty and I've been surrounded by All the King's Horses and All the King's Men. But I hope I am together again.
Wonderful pink picture, Laurie. And the tree matches. This is such a happy lookihg place. If there was a "Closed" sign, I missed it. I just hope someone didn't forget to say, "Goodnight Gracie." (Bad joke.)
Especially to San Diego Farm Girl: Clothes. Yes, I could tell you some stories about tacky and shoulder pads fit for a fullback. They were really lovely with my skinny legs and skinned-up knees.
So nice to see everyone again.
dbdubya wrote: "...if you enlarge the photo you'll see that there is a closed sign posted in the door."
What if this blog becomes like
Michelangelo Antonioni's "Blowup" in which enlarging a photo revealed a body in the park. OK, blow it up and look at the "Closed" sign on Gracie's if you must, but what's that dark outine on the floor by the door?
Hey kids,
I have to laugh at your Antonioni reference, Mister E. I have thought the very same thing about my blog these pictures. Who knows what secrets are hidden in plain sight!?
Thanks for all the comments today, everyone. I'm having a bit of an allergy attack tonight and Benadryl is keeping me from properly (seeing straight?) responding to everyone. So, I'll sign off...
Til tomorrow...
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