Thursday, February 23, 2017

Joy Ride Through South Pasadena

Take a joyride with me through South Pas... and marvel at all the vintage cars.

South Pasadena was part of transportation history -- a destination for early rail as well as home to one of the first freeways.
Oh, and then there are the countless vintage cars...

By Laurie Allee

Spend enough time in South Pasadena and you'll notice that the Rialto, the historic buildings and the classic craftsman houses aren't the only remaining treasures of our past.  This town has more than its fair share of vintage cars.  Hang out on Mission Street on a weekend afternoon, and you'll see a promenade of enough old roadsters, coupes and muscle cars to satisfy even the most persnickety car buff.  I'm not just talking about your standard issue American Graffiti-worthy hot rods, either.  I've spotted a late 30s Peugot 402 and a 1949 Hudson Commodore -- even a mysterious black sedan that two confounded car aficionados argued about while standing nearby.  (One insisted it was an unmarked 1939 Cadllac; the other swore it was a Citreon Traction Avant.)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Follow Glimpses of South Pasadena on Instagram and Twitter

Go ahead.  Be a follower.

Glimpses of South Pasadena finally has its own social media!  No longer forced to share space with my personal photos, macro shots of food and endless political retweets, this little blog finally has its own Instagram and Twitter accounts:

Follow Glimpses on Instagram

Follow Glimpses on Twitter

Now, don't ask me to sign up Glimpses for Snapchat.  I'd have a hard time putting a bee filter on the entire town.

Want to leave a message?  Head over to the Glimpses of South Pasadena Community Forum to start a conversation!  You can always access it in the Community tab at the top of the blog.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

South Pasadena Up Close

Historic little details everywhere...

By Laurie Allee

If you look closely at South Pasadena – and I mean really closely, sometimes with your nose right up to the surface -- you’ll find some historic little details. While much of Los Angeles (and much of the United States) has boomed with the philosophy of “New is Better” -- South Pasadena and much of the neighboring San Gabriel Valley have stuck to the idea that old is cool.