This little guy is ready to walk all the way to Santa Monica...
Los Angeles has a reputation for not being terribly pedestrian-friendly. While I certainly can't deny the reality of Southern California's car culture, I do think that much of LA's walkability is underrated. South Pasadena offers a great little pocket of strolling splendor. Besides the abundance of neighborhood sidewalks, there are great paths to hike around the stables, golf course, Lower Arroyo Park and skate park as well as rumored steps up the hillside in Monterey Hills. (I haven't found those yet!)
And the bonus: you can walk over to your bike, get on it and ride along the Arroyo up to the Rose Bowl loop. You can also walk over to Mission Station and hop on the Gold Line. (I love to go to downtown LA and have drinks at this place. No designated driver, cab or Uber necessary ... just feet and rail. Take that, NYC!)
Last year my family took the train to Union Station, where we then took Amtrak to Santa Barbara for our vacation. Imagine that: a SoCal vacation without a car.)
By the way, longtime readers will wonder about the little white dog in the photo. Meet Rocky! He's the newest addition to the Allee family. He has already (literally) left his mark all over South Pasadena.
Check out this current exhibit of Car-Free Photography at the South Pas Library!
Check out this current exhibit of Car-Free Photography at the South Pas Library!
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